Sunday, January 2, 2011

Is it twenty eleven or two thousand eleven?

I woke up, check on the calendar, well, its thick again. So, its another new year! HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011!

This means its time to click the NEXT button on the remote,

or hit the RESET button,

Speaking about making decisions, i have this trouble this days. Yes, its normally rare to see me and the word trouble getting together as i'm like a 'Happy Go Lucky' kind of person. Feeling a little me-mo. Well, this is the first time i'm having personal troubles. Im having troubles making decisions. Its like saying yes or no might affect my feelings. I just felt hard to make a decision. I felt guilt in me whenever i made a decision which i failed to satisfy everyone after making the decision. I've always tried to say YES but eventually, some YESes doesnt really satisfy everyone. Trouble like this happens to me normally but for the past 2 months, it got worser, my guilt feeling is getting serious. Especially when i said NO. I tend to feel that im making a lot of bad decisions these past months. It made me question myself whether doing this is right or is it wrong? Sometimes even if im right, i felt wrong too. I have my own rights to make a decision for my own good right? And i don't like hearing words of the actions i did. I know what im doing and if im wrong, its always not to late to change.

Is this normal? or is this decidophobia? I need a decider as my assistant perhaps?

This really troubles me and it made me had imsonia.

I can't find a person to talk to now and i think the best way to release this bad feelings is to write it out. Perhaps i might feel better after this?

Signing off.